Some Arthritic Pain relief methods


There are methods known to help stop pain for short periods of time. The doctor or health therapist can suggest a method that is best suited for each patient. The following methods have worked for many people:-


Allophatic drugs/medication. This includes asprin, acetaminophen, NSAIDs, morphin, corticosteroid, hyaluronic acid, etc., which can be quite effective. However, most drugs have side-effects, especially if taken in loarge doses over a long period. Refer to separate article on this.


Mild Exercises. This includes all of the 6 types of exercises that are suitable for arthritic patients. Performing these exercises slowly and gently to warm up and limber the joints, muscles and ligaments will help relieve pain and stiffness. eg., walking, swimming, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Ba Gua, weight training, low impact aerobics,


Moist Heat supplied by hot packs, hot bath, hot shower, or sauna can relieve pain. A physiotherapist can use short waves, microwaves, and ultrasound to deliver deep heat to non-inflamed joint areas and to relax tight ligaments. Deep heat is not recommended for acutely inflamed joints.


Cold supplied by a bag of ice or frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel helps to stop pain in acutely inflamed joints and to reduce swelling when used for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. People who have Raynaud's syndrome or who have poor blood circulation should not use this method.


Hydrotherapy exercises allow muscular movement and joint rotation without the need for the joints to carry extra weight. Muscles and ligaments of the joints can also be strengthened.


Mobilization therapies include joint rotational exercises, traction (gentle, steady pulling), massage, and manipulation (using the hands to restore normal movement to stiff joints) enhance movement and blood circulation. The Chinese say that whenever there is stagnation, there will be distension and pain. Movement, massage and manipulation enhances blood circulation to relieve pain.


TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) and biofeedback may provide some pain relief via blocking pain signals to the brain.


Acupuncture and acupressure has been proven to help relieve pain.


Magnetic Therapy uses magnets to align and attract blood cells for freer circulation and thus promote blood circulation. Although derided by many closed-minded medical doctors as a scam and fraud, there have been uncountable instances where it helped pain relief. It has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years.


Relaxation Therapy (such as Tai Chi and meditation) release the tension in their muscles to relieve pain. Relaxation in the mind also helps relieve pain.


Joint protection  Using a splint or a brace to allow joints to rest and prevent excessive movement.


Massage on the affected area to disperse accumulations and to increase blood circulation.


Surgery--In select patients with arthritis, surgery may be necessary. The surgeon may perform an operation to remove the synovium (synovectomy), realign the joint (osteotomy), or in advanced cases replace the damaged joint with an artificial one (arthroplasty). Total joint replacement has provided not only dramatic relief from pain but also improvement in motion for many people with arthritis.


Prosorba Column  - A blood-filtering device for filtering out harmful antibodies in people with severe rheumatoid arthritis.



Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are chronic diseases that may last a lifetime. Learning how to manage pain over the long term is an important factor in managing the disease and maintaining a good quality of life.



Written by John Chow,  a practitioner of Chinese medicine, acupuncturist, masseur, healer and teacher of martial arts and spiritual paths in Melbourne, Australia.

Copyright:-  No part of this article can be used, quoted, copied in any form without the permission from the author.  For further information on this article, please contact John Chow  at


Legal caveat:-

The information provided above is for general reference only. Although the author(s) has attempted to be as thorough as possible in compiling the information in this article(s), no legal responsibility nor liability is accepted for any errors or omissions. The information is presented for educational purposes only. Please refer any medical matter to your doctor before acting on any health-related information.